Tag Archives: Eat real food

35 Inspiring Primed Transformations

Benefits of a Well Nourished Body and Mind

Team Soleus

Judith before and after pic

The Primed Lifestyle allows you to do the following:

Ravi Before and after

– Maintain constant blood sugar (and insulin) levels at an optimal range, as well as a consistently great mood.

Gracie Dunn

– Decrease your inflammation, aches and pains, illnesses,

Mt. Labo MJ wow

– Decrease your potential for disease, stress levels and health issues.

RunningJack Morales

– Increase your metabolism, digestive health, confidence, energy, mental clarity, brain power, skin quality, immune system (so you ca better fight disease), sleep quality and happiness.


– Oh, you also RECOVER FASTER due to the lack of inflammation in your body by eating quality saturated fats, proteins and vegetables.

Johan b&a

Please turn conventional dietary advise upside down.

The primed Lifestyle does and people reclaim their health. Hence, avoid low-fat chemical garbage, avoid soy, trust that grains = sugar = inflammation and lead to disease, do not even polish your shoes with Vegetable Oil and shun processed carbage made by big food as cheaply as possible so they can con you with their marketing.

Continue reading 35 Inspiring Primed Transformations

Primed Juress is 4 Kilos Down and Counting…..

Primed Juress rocks. An inspiration to her family, friends and colleagues alike.

Juress is rocking her new Primed Lifestyle and has lost 4 kilos already (in less than 3 weeks). Not through lots of exercise but by eating real food.


Juress never touches Toxic Veg Oil any more but uses Coconut Oil. That’s great.

Toxic veg oil2

Continue reading Primed Juress is 4 Kilos Down and Counting…..

Amazing Tess and Tricia in just 7 days Primed.

It is not always about the before and after picture. Yes, it is nice to see the physical changes and maybe even get a 6-pack.

Abs Primed

However, more important is your metabolic six-pack, how you feel personally and your state of mind. Do not worry about the scales and concentrate on how your food makes you feel.
In just 7 days Tess does not have a 6-pack nor even a metabolic six-pack.
But what she now has is a brighter and healthier future. That’s HUGE. Oh, the metabolic six-pack will come soon enough. Especially seeing Tess is letting food be her medicine.
Inspirational Tony Robins
In just 7 days 60 year old engineer Tess has noticed the following:
Less aches and pains;
Saved money by not taking statin drugs that were erroneously prescribed and were having very negative side-effects;
A lot more energy and not sleepy in the afternoon;
– Doing a lot more jobs and activities;
More pride in herself for accomplishing more throughout the day;
– Is less hungry with no hunger pangs;
Stomach seems smaller and less heavy;
– Her mind is improving with better organization around the house. The pantry of Tess is beautifully organized like only an engineer could create!;
Memory is improving;
– Is more mindful with what is going on around her;
– Is appreciating music more as she was previously thinking about (or eating) food;
– Is more helpful when asked to do favors for people; and
Has more confidence for a brighter future full of energy.

Continue reading Amazing Tess and Tricia in just 7 days Primed.

Wooden Spoon is a Must Visit at Kapitolyo & Rockwell

I am glad that I have been well served in Wooden Spoon and also positively impacted one of their staff and the staff members family.

Wooden Spoon Arnold

“I first met Arnold from Wooden Spoon in Rockwell late last year while he was buying asthma meds for his daughter Hannah.

I explained the Primed way of reversing it and Hannah is now asthma free. After spending tens of thousands on meds they no longer need to. Hannah can now thrive as all children deserve to. That’s Primed.”

#livelongerlivebetter�� #primednutritionfeedsyourbrain #primedreversesasthma 

Having just moved into the Pasig area late in 2015 we went searching for a nice restaurant in the area. It was past 2:30pm and most had closed their doors already. Luckily I phoned a friend in the area and he recommended Wooden Spoon in Kapitolyo. Great suggestion Primed Mike Yau. Thanks.

Wooden Spoon2

Wooden Spoon has a branch at Rockwell (besides Kapitolyo) and to my regret we never tried it as a family despite having lived there for 2 years.

Wooden Spoon1

We did not like our food at Wooden Spoon. We all LOVED it. Excellent Filipino cuisine easily made Primed or Primed already.

Continue reading Wooden Spoon is a Must Visit at Kapitolyo & Rockwell

Great Carbohydrates Tuesday: Green Vegetables with Onion, Garlic and Ginger

I am so very happy to have my first doctors going Primed. People young, old, athletes, non-athletes, male, female, rich and poor from all over the world are improving their lives by following the Primed Lifestyle.

Quality carbohydrates like the green vegetable recipe below gives your mind and body the essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids it needs to build your immune system to better fight disease and stay healthy.

This easy Primed Green Vegetable recipe is ideal to have in your fridge at all times. It is also fun to shop at your local farmer’s market or grocery.


Continue reading Great Carbohydrates Tuesday: Green Vegetables with Onion, Garlic and Ginger

Amazing Colors of Luntiang Republika Eco Farms – A Sustainable Way of Farming

When you go Primed for your Life you get to eat some amazing food that you might not have tried before. You move away from the lower nutrient style of non-foods to more nutrient dense foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and quality fatty acids.

These are exactly the wonderful foods full of vibrant colors that we now enjoy from Luntiang Republika Eco Farms (organically and sustainable grown).

Available Fresh Produce for the Week Varies Seasonally but Here is a Sample of Some of Their Wonderful Produce:

Dragon Fruit


Saba Bananas (our favorite) and Avocados


I Adore Their Tuyo in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Laing (Taro Leaves Cooked in Coconut Milk)


So delicious with Avocado.


Okra is So Good

Luntiang Okra

Delicious and Nutritious Eggplant (Talong)


With great ingredients you can make great dishes to optimally fuel your mind and body.

Continue reading Amazing Colors of Luntiang Republika Eco Farms – A Sustainable Way of Farming

Primed Ukrainian Holubtsi – Cabbage Roll

We were so blessed to have had Baba Nadia help us with some wonderfully Primed Ukrainian dishes. I hope you enjoy this great cabbage roll dish called Holubtsi.



1 whole cabbage
2 bay leaves
500 grams of mince beef or pork
1 onion chopped finely
1 carrot (grated)
cup of cauliflower rice
salt and pepper
coconut oil for frying
home-made tomato sauce (see below for method)


1. Cook your Tomato Sauce. The recipe is easy but takes around 40 minutes so prepare this first. Simply chop onions and garlic and fry in coconut oil. Then add your chopped tomatoes and cook for 40 minutes or so.

Continue reading Primed Ukrainian Holubtsi – Cabbage Roll

Primed Mayonnaise – Quick, Easy and Delicious

A great Primed Mayonnaise is a perfect sauce to always have in your fridge. Another great sauce to always have is the favorite of Pope Francis, Bagna Caude. See here for some other Primed items to always stock in your fridge and pantry.

Here’s a great Primed Mayonnaise recipe to show you how easy it is.


Continue reading Primed Mayonnaise – Quick, Easy and Delicious

Primed Mailyn Looking & Feeling Fabulous

Wow, what a difference a year can make.

Mailyn ran Milo Marathon last year with Natasha and I but a lot has changed since then.

Mailyn, who now lives in Canada, has joined the growing number of people becoming Primed for your Life.

I don’t need to say a lot seeing a picture often says a thousand words.

Mailyn Janette Lucas Leyeza

Mailyn looks amazing.

Glowing skin, increased confidence, more energy, better mental clarity, less aches and pains and looking simply stunning. Congratulations Mailyn. I didn’t mention weight loss because that is merely a side benefit compared to increased energy, happiness and peace of mind now being enjoyed by Mailyn.

The best part is the wonderful example she is setting to her three children, other family and friends. What a tremendous role model for healthy living.


How Did Mailyn Become Primed
Continue reading Primed Mailyn Looking & Feeling Fabulous

Primed Marc Lost 35 Pounds in 3 Months but Found Extra Energy!

Marc is one of my best friends. He is a cool, tall, German guy who has made his home in the Philippines and is working hard to improve the care for the elderly here.

Marc D article

Marc Daubenbuechel in Business Mirror. Its an article about his stay and work here in the Philippines.

How Did Marc Lose 35 Pounds?

Marc lost his 35 pounds by eating real food and not through endless, fruitless exercise. Marc eliminated most of his cheap, processed carbs (still sneaking in the occasional beer and pizza every now and then though) like bread, pasta, noodles and crackers. He eats lots of healthy carbohydrates though like spinach, kangkong, beetroot, carrots etc. Marc did buy a bike and can be seen riding around Santa Rosa every now and then.

So, How Does Marc Go To The Next Level?
Continue reading Primed Marc Lost 35 Pounds in 3 Months but Found Extra Energy!